Donation options

Your donation will allow us to train a new mentor who will accompany young college graduates from underserved areas on their professional path.

Your contribution will allow us to continue nurturing young college graduates with the potential for excellence.

Your donation will allow us to provide a career-prep workshop that will provide tools for young college graduates grads to integrate into the employment market.

another amount
Another amount- Every donation advances our vision to reduce social gaps and create equal opportunities for young people in Israeli society
Donation Methods
Donate via PEF Israel
To send checks: Checks must be made payable to “PEF Israel Endowment Funds” –no other words may appear on the “Pay to” line. Checks may received via the US Postal Service, or any other delivery method that DOES NOT require a signature.
Please note on the check memo line and/or on a separate note, “Donation designated to Educating for Excellence, Israeli Tax ID # 58-0364347.
Please mail the check and recommendation to:
PEF Israel Endowment Funds, Inc.
630 Third Ave, RM 1500
New York NY 10017

Thank you for your donation!
Your donation changes lives!
The donation, in any of the channels you have chosen, makes you part of the circle of active partners bringing our vision to life: reducing social gaps and creating equal opportunities and social leadership for young college grads and engineers, living in underserved areas throughout Israel.